ggResidpanel 0.4.0
- Added resid_calibrate
- For lm model:
- Standardized residuals are now the default instead of raw residuals
- Fixed issue when leverage is equal to 1 when computing standardized residuals - report Pearson residuals instead
- Added alpha value in all functions
- Adjustments to Cook's D plots
- "Return a warning if any of the leverage values are equal to 1 and add lines to plot"
- Need to add more descriptions here
- In plot_constlev, removed "Compute the values for the lowess curve"
- In plot_lev, :
- "Create the cutoff SAS uses with Cook's D"
- "Count number over cutoff"
- Adjusted the way constant leverage is handled
- Added Cook's D values
- When creating hat values, "Add more resolution for large n"
- In plot_ls, "If smoother is set to true, do not add it to the plot"
- Adjustments to the smoother options across various plot types
- Typo fixes in documentation
- Small fixes to code for better practices
- Small updates to plot_hist grid
- Clean up of some plot labels
ggResidpanel 0.3.0 (2019-05-31)
- changed resid_interact to allow for a panel of interactive plots
- added the functions of resid_xpanel and resid_compare
- added model types of lmerTest and lme
- added an introductory vignette
- updated documentation
- added Cook's distance values to residual-leverage plot
- reordered plots in "all" panels
- included penguins data
- rounded number in tool tip in resid_interact
- fixed some bugs in the code
ggResidpanel 0.2.0
- first versions of ggResidpanel (the progression was not documented)
- introduced the functions of resid_panel, resid_interact, and resid_auxpanel
- allowed options in the functions for formatting options